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The True Cost of Every Dish: Why It’s More Than Just Ingredients

Hero image of paper eco-friendly disposable dishes and packaging for restaurants.

When it comes to running a restaurant, costing out a dish might seem straightforward: add up the price of the ingredients, mark it up, and you’re good to go. But the real cost of every dish you serve is much deeper — and if you’re only looking at ingredient costs, you’re likely missing the bigger […]

Staffing Solutions for Restaurants: Overcoming Industry Challenges

Hero image of Restaurant staff working in a commercial kitchen

The restaurant industry is a vibrant tapestry of flavors, cultures, and experiences, but beneath its bustling surface lies a complex web of staffing challenges. Restaurants face a unique set of hurdles, from high turnover rates to labor shortages and recruitment difficulties, all of which can disrupt service consistency and impact customer satisfaction. As the industry […]

Why Excess Inventory is Eating Into Your Profits: A Guide for Restaurant Owners

Hero image of commercial restaurant refrigerator

In the competitive world of restaurant management, controlling food costs is crucial for maintaining profitability. Picture a bustling kitchen where fresh produce wilts in overstocked coolers, or a storeroom filled with excess dry goods approaching their expiration dates. These scenarios not only represent wasted resources but also missed opportunities for maximizing profit margins. By fine-tuning […]

The Real Cost of That Steak: How to Price Your Dishes for Maximum Profit

Detail image of carved steak dish.

You’ve got a sizzling steak on the grill, seasoned to perfection, plated with care, and served with a side of crispy fries or roasted vegetables. Your customers love it, your chefs take pride in it, and it’s one of your best-selling dishes. But here’s the big question: Are you actually making money on that steak? […]