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Let MRGN guide your inventory planning, budget tracking and so much more.

MRGN is built for multiple locations and/or business units. Chat with us, whether you manage a single location, own many, or oversee franchises from your corporate office.

Restaurants are loving mrgn. Soon, we’ll be able to optimize your raw good consumption in order to prevent excess waste.
Success Stories
Singular Sound
Scenario: CPG company was running low on operating capital and considered applying for bank loan. Action: Company admin ran debt simulation on MRGN, quickly discovered that backend interest payments would have an adverse effect on bottom line. Result: Company decided against bank loan, secured $2M in presales and is on track to breakeven.
Running Bull Media
Scenario: Production company wanted to understand how potential PO would increase profitability. Action: Company admin ran low / mid/ high simulation on MRGN and found that the new client could potentially account for a 17% increase in revenue. Result: Company was able to get ahead of employee recruitment in advance of approving the PO.